Jezerca lakes from Valbona, a challenging off-trail hike

Last Updated: July 4, 2019By Tags: , , , ,

Jezerca lakes (also called as Buni i Jezercës) is an amazing outdoor destination located near the highest peak of the Accursed Mountains (Prokletije), Maja Jezercë. The easiest way to go to the lakes is from Vusanje in Montenegro. But, if you want an off-trail adventure, then you definitely should try going from Valbona Valley National Park in Albania.


How to get to Valbona Valley National Park

Valbona Valley is 22 km from the city called Bajram Curri. Reaching Bajram Curri from Tirana takes around four hours. The bus station in Tirana is in front of Asllan Rusi Sports Center. 

Another way to reach Bajram Curri is from Prishtina, Kosovo. First, you go from Prishtina Main Bus Station to Gjakova Bus station and then from Gjakova take the bus to Bajram Curri.


About the Jezerca lakes hike

The hike to Jezerca lakes starts from the Valbona National Park, near the school. You take the path to Kukaj village, where you can find the last water source. Then the trail runs through boulders and meadows, eventually entering the beech forest until you reach a small grassy plateau with a mountain hut. From here the hike becomes steeper and the ascent to the northwest leads to the pass at 2150m altitude. After you reach the pass (also called the pyramid) turn left, and start descending into an off-trail. Total distance from the pyramid to Jezerca lakes is around 3 km, and the elevation loss is around 390 m. The total distance from Valbona to the lakes is 10 km.

Points of interest:

Starting point: Valbona Valley National Park.

Starting altitude: 901 m/alt

Elevation gain: 1’188 m

Elevation loss: 392 m


I’ve attached the wikiloc trail to Jezerca lakes. You can download and follow it:

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  1. […] 0 comments Home > Activities > Peaks of the Balkans Trail Image by Alp Venturer […]

  2. Akos July 8, 2023 at 8:13 pm - Reply

    Hello, thank you for this blog, I want to do the same hike, but I need some technical info. Do I need a ice axe, and other pro stuff for this hike? Or a good hiking boots and good condition will be enough? So from kukaj, I won’t find any drinkable water? 3 of us want to do wildcamping in this region

    • Granit July 30, 2023 at 11:11 am - Reply

      No, you don’t need ice axe or any climbing stuff. Proper hiking boots, a MUST!

      You can filter the water from the lake, however, a there is no water source from Kukaj to the lakes.

  3. Valdrin August 9, 2023 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    A osht terreni shum.i veshtire ? A munden te ngjitet qdo kush apo duhet te jene me eksperienc dhe te forte ?

    • Granit August 10, 2023 at 1:26 pm - Reply


      Po, tereni eshte i veshtire. Plus, nuk eshte i shenjezuar si duhet. Te kisha sugjeru te e besh ngjitjen nga Vuthajt.

  4. Lotte August 16, 2023 at 6:39 pm - Reply

    Hello! Thanks for your great blog! I was sondering if you need a permit for this hike? It seems a bit unnecessary if you`re crossing the border again on the same day, in the middle of the mountains, but I guess in theory you need one?

    • Granit August 16, 2023 at 6:43 pm - Reply

      Hey Lotte,

      No you don’t need one. You will go through the border but no cross it. You will be in Albania all the time :)

      Happy trails!

  5. shavaiz September 13, 2023 at 10:16 pm - Reply

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Hello there,

    Do you think it is possible to include this on the way from Valbona to Theth hike or is it too difficult to manage both in one go?

    If its possible, How to do the hike START point & how much time approx it will take from Valbona to Theth including visit to Lake. lets say hike from valbona startig at 6:30 am.

    Thank you for your kind guidance.

    • Granit September 13, 2023 at 10:22 pm - Reply

      Hi, no it is totally not doable in my opinion in one day.

      So, what I would suggest:
      Day 1: Valbona – Lakes, camp there
      Day 2: Lakes – Peja Pass – Theth

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